
What is Geocoding?
Geocoding is the first step in making your data "map ready". It turns ordinary data records containing address information into geographic objects that can be displayed on a map. When Stopwatch Maps geocodes your data, we assign Latitude and Longitude coordinates so it can be placed in a "mappable format".
How is Geocoding Beneficial?
When Stopwatch Maps geocodes your data it becomes more useful to you and your company. Visualization through mapping makes it easier to recognize certain trends or patterns affecting your business, including information about your customers, clients and even your competitors. Geocoded information allows you to analyze your records in geographic terms.
Will My Original Data Be Deleted?
Your original database records will not be deleted. When Stopwatch Maps geocodes your information, we will automatically assign three additional fields to your database. The first two are Latitude and Longitude fields. The third is the Georesult field. The Georesult is a code to let you know how precisely each address component matched. There are seven different match codes that could be found in your Georesult field:
Exact........ |
This indicates a single close match to the exact street address position. This is the most precise match. |
ShapePt... |
This indicates a single close match located at the center of a shape point path. (Shape points define the shape of the street polyline. So, this point would be indicated as being in the center of the street.) |
ZIP+4........ |
This indicates a single close match within a ZIP+4 boundary. |
ZIP+2........ |
This indicates a single close match within a ZIP+2 boundary. |
ZipCode.... |
This indicates a close match within a ZIP boundary. This is the least precise of the match codes |
Intesect..... |
This indicates a single close match located at a street intersection. |
NoCoord... |
This indicates a single close match, but with no coordinates available. (This is very rare.) |
A fourth additional field can be added at your request and at no extra charge. It contains Census Block Numbers. This 15-digit code represents the state and county FIPS code, census tract and tabulation block. This is a unique identifier from the U.S. Census Bureau. The code you will see in your Census Block field can be interpreted as follows:
S= |
State FIPS code (2 characters). |
C= |
County FIPS code (3 characters) |
T= |
Census Tract (6 characters) |
G= |
Census Block Group (1 character) |
B= |
Census Block (typically 2 characters, sometimes 3) |
What File Formats Will You Accept For Geocoding?
Stopwatch Maps accepts six different file formats. We can geocode your data if it is in the form of dBase (.dbf), Delimited ASCII (tab or comma separated variables), MapInfo (.tab), Microsoft Excel (.xls), Microsoft Access Database (.mdb) or Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk1).
How Much Do You Charge?
The geocoding services at Stopwatch Maps are very reasonable. The prices are broken down as follows:
Our services are priced per 1,000 records and are separated in terms of minimum and maximum number of records.
Minimum |
Maximum |
Pricing |
0 records |
to |
9,999 records |
$25 for every 1,000 records |
10,000 records |
to |
24,999 records |
$20 for every 1,000 records |
25,000 records |
to |
99,999 records |
$15 for every 1,000 records |
100,000 + records |
$12 for every 1,000 records |
There are two levels of service offered:
24 Hour Turnaround (standard) or Same Day Service (there is an additional $100 charge).
For either service, a $150 minimum order is required per file.
Pricing is based PER FILE (each Excel sheet is considered a separate file).
How Can I Place An Order For Geocoding?
It's really quite easy to place an order for Geocoding at Stopwatch Maps. You can either
download an order form from our website or call to have one faxed or mailed to you.
The order form is in PDF format, so you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view it. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.
Once you fill out the form send it back to us one of three ways:
by fax: 314·863·6277
by e-mail: geocode@stopwatchmaps.com
by postal service:
Stopwatch Maps
c/o Geocode
6353 North Rosebury
St. Louis, MO 63105
